Maybe all they need is a break. Or maybe they never got along. They didn't try to hide it. They fought in front of us. This is what we mean when we tell greasers things are hard all over.
Lorraine is my best friend and I tell her everything. I already covered that. She knows how my parents don't always get along. Or how bad they fight. It doesn't really matter if a guest is at the house. My mom loves Lorraine but that doesn't stop her from fighting with my dad. If we have a party then they will wait for everybody to leave. They will do it when we have like one or two of mine or my sibs friends at home but not infront of a big crowd.
I told Lo how they were fighting again. She told me it would be ok and she would have her parents invite them over. I'm not sure if that would stop the fighting but I guess it would help. They went out on Wensday. the minute they left I heard them fighting. It's fine though I like when they leave the house. It gives me time to think. Or to have Preston over my bf. He came with a some movie. We didn't watch it though we just made out the whole time. The movie was almost over so we just went up to my room and had some fun haha. He had to leave he works really earlie in the morning so he went home. When I opened the door so he could leave I saw Lorraine there. I jumped cause she scared me. She said calm down Lace! God your so jumpy! I just rolled my eyes. She asked what me and Preston were up to? I laughed and kissed him and said seeya babe. Lo came in with all her stuff to stay the night. Wich was like four big bags. She never stays one night. More like three lol. We fell asleep on the couches down stairs and we woke up to my parents screaming at eachother. I ran upstairs with Lorraine and my dad said that she needed to go home. I was really shocked. No matter how much they fight they always let her stay. I asked if I could go with her and he said NO! NOW GET IN YOUR ROOM! That scared me I went to help her get in her car and leave. I told her I would tell her everything. I went up to my room and fell asleep barley. They yelled until 4 in the morning. Early that morning my mom came in my room with my sister. They told me to get up and get ready we're gonna go shopping and get our nails done and everything. I said ok! and got ready within an hour I was finally done. We went shopping and got a million things. We have enough money though. We were in the middle of gettin our nails done and my mom said she had to talk to us about something. I looked at Char. I mouthed "you know what's going on?" She mouthed "nope you?" I shook my head. we leaned back in our chairs and my mom told us that she met our dad when she was my age. She also said that the person we meet when we're a teenager and marry will not make you happy. I had a tear in my eye but I held it back. I loved my parents. I loved my family and it was gonna get messed up cause my parents didn't know how to stop fighting. She said in a low tone of voice, "your father and I are getting a divorce. Your father is keeping the house and I'm moving to another town. It's not that far so you can come visit me." I got up off the chair and payed the lady who was doing my nails. I was by the door and looked at my mom and said "I can't belive you would do this to us." and left. We took her car so I just got on the bus. I never rode it before but when I got on there were a bunch of greasers. I just sat down in the front and laid my head on the window. A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away. I don't mind crying but crying in front of greasers makes me feel like a..wimp I guess. I didn't know were to get off at. The bus stopped and the doors opened....I got off cause I didn't want to stay there any longer. The greasers got off too and looked at me like what the fuck is she doing here?! I started walking the other way. I didn't want to fight right now. That was the cause of my unhappyness and I didn't want more. I kept walking till I saw a park I used to go to when I was little. I went over and sat under the tree I would always sit under for shade on a hot day. I put my arms around my knees and burried my head in them and started crying. I heard someone so I sat up and wiped the tears away. It was Dallas Winston. I didn't like him. He was always trying to get with girls. I didn't matter if it's a soc. I didn't try to hide from him he doesn't scare me I just don't like him. I guess he saw me cause he yelled at me and said hey sexy I didn't want to talk to him so I just turned my head. He ran by me and turned my head. He saw that I was crying and asked me what was wrong. I said what do you care greaser? He said he didn't he just wanted to get with me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. He was like "Damn girl your sexy when your stubborn!" I just kept trying to ignore him though. He came closer and tried to kiss me and I slapped him in the face. He said "what ever you little brat your not worth it." He got up and walked away. There was another guy with him. Johnny Cade. He came over and asked if I was ok. I said not really. He said not to worry about Dallas he does that with every girl he see's. He sat down and asked what was wrong other than Dallas. I told him about my parents. About how my mom is leaving. I never talked to a greaser before...I always would talk to Lorraine but she wasn't here and Johnny seemed nice. I talked to him for like an hour then I got a text from my sister and she said she wanted me to come home that our parents needed to talk to us. I said ok and told Johnny I had to go. We got up and he said im sorry about your parents. I said thanks. I started to walk away to find my way home. He grabbed my hand and kissed me. I kinda just stared at him. I had a boy friend but. I think I like Johnny better. He knows how to talk to someone. He doesn't treat me like another greaser would. But I really care about Preston. I'm tired of acting like somebody's princess who can't do anything for herself though. When we're at the store or at dinner..or just with his friends he acts all high and mighty. It's getting kinda annoying. Bottom line I really like Johnny Cade. Even if he is a greaser. And to all his friends and family. I really am a nice person. I'm not saying we have to be bestfriends but...I don't wanna fight.
Lacey Collins
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Meet Me! You Know You Want To
Hey! I'm Lacey Collins. Life is easy for me. I ask for something and I get it! I can be really sweet. I have three brothers and one sister. My wonderful grandparents and my parents. They don't always get along though so it makes our life a little hard. Other than that I have a great life. I get along with the greasers. I won't hang out with them but I don't fight with them like everyother soc.
I live on the Southside of town. I have a big house. I also own a pink Porsche. My parents are never home so I have parties all the time. I have a bunch of friends. They all care when something happens. Like I said they don't get along with greasers like I do. I won't sit and have a conversation but there.....not all bad I guess. I can fight pretty well. So when theres a rumble I go! When we win There's always a party after! At mine or one of my friends houses. I'm friends with Cherry, Bob, Marcia, and Randy. I'm closest with them. My best friend is Lorraine Waldorf. We know everything about eachother. She knows how I feel about the greasers. She doesn't feel the same way but she doesn't put me down like other people would.

I don't have a problem with greasers unless they mess with me! Some of the guys are cute. The girls can be nice unless they act like bitches. Wich is like 75% of the time. The boys act like they know everything. If they know anything they know how to act like complete assholes and hit on girls. We just laugh it off and let our guys take care of them. I wouldn't hangout with a grease. I guess some of them are nice. I know a couple of greaser boys who can be sweet. Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade. I've talked to them before. Not much but just a little chat for a couple of seconds when I was at the DX getting my car worked on. Sodapop is pretty cute. He' not to bad on the eyes either. But I have a beautiful boyfriend Preston James! He's my life and I would die if anything happend to him.
My dad is at the top of the steps. My mom is in the red dress. (told you they don't get along well) My grandparents are in the purple dress and the tux. My sister is in the black dress. My oldest brother is standing by her. The second oldest is standing closer to my dad. My youngest brother also youngest in the family is the one with the open jacket. I'm the blonde one with the black mini on.
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