I don't have a problem with greasers unless they mess with me! Some of the guys are cute. The girls can be nice unless they act like bitches. Wich is like 75% of the time. The boys act like they know everything. If they know anything they know how to act like complete assholes and hit on girls. We just laugh it off and let our guys take care of them. I wouldn't hangout with a grease. I guess some of them are nice. I know a couple of greaser boys who can be sweet. Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade. I've talked to them before. Not much but just a little chat for a couple of seconds when I was at the DX getting my car worked on. Sodapop is pretty cute. He' not to bad on the eyes either. But I have a beautiful boyfriend Preston James! He's my life and I would die if anything happend to him.
My dad is at the top of the steps. My mom is in the red dress. (told you they don't get along well) My grandparents are in the purple dress and the tux. My sister is in the black dress. My oldest brother is standing by her. The second oldest is standing closer to my dad. My youngest brother also youngest in the family is the one with the open jacket. I'm the blonde one with the black mini on.
hi soc im a greaser my names jannill but u can call me wateva u want its about time we have a soc
uhm...i have a name!
Me likey that porsche Lace! But my blue BMW beats it. HA! :D
im sure it does..im gettin a new car for my birthday though..if my parents are done fighting...there are again...its kinda pissin me off!
a rewrite-hi lacy im a greaser my names jannill but u can call me wateva u want its about time we have a soc and to be a soc ur seem preety cool
thats better! i hate wen someone calls me soc but knows me real name. and thanks
ur welcome u kno something i hate soc but i think i could let u slide u should be a greaser it'll be fun. and i kno i hate that to wen ur kind calls me a grease and sorry about that
its fine..i guess. and im a soc! i like bein a soc and i will not change unless my life depended on it. then i still probly wouldn't. i got money and can fight. im good
well thats good but can we still be friends? just u dont tell ur friends ur a friend to a greaser and i wont do that either i mean technally im both a soc and a greaser cuz i could be a soc but i choose to be a greaser becuz its fun and im dating a greaser named Steve Randle
You know Lace, I should make my folks invite yours. That way they can get out of your back and set their minds straight about 'love'.
heey. Lacey. the "Carson Randle said" pretty much clearifies who I am. so dont ask.
Ur so nice car.
But she's right, as u probably know due to the "Jamie said....."
Im Jamie a.k.a a greaser.
Oh and ur right. We are bitches 75% of the time.
And the other 25% equals what? Sluts, perhaps?
Kool. Im listed as a sweet greaser.
wow johnny! we gotta love u but no "Lorraine" were not sluts that 95%of the soc not including u or lacy or Brian and ya boyfriends.no the rest of us 25% equals to mother fuckers but im not part of the 25% im part of the 75%
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